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Doris Polak Kuder, that’s me.

I am seeking tools to move from illness to health. After successful career in pharmaceutical industry, I enrolled in Compassionate Inquiry (approch of Dr. Gabor Mate) to learn about my own inner dynamics of allergies and asthma. As a Psychotherapeutic Coach I now offers coaching and workshops on self care, compassion and authenticity.

I am first a mom to two daughters, driven by desire to create a better future. After successful career in pharmaceutical industry, I decided to go on a journey with Compassionate Inquiry (CI) in 2020, which is still ongoing. I decided to enrol in CI to learn about my own inner dynamics of allergies and asthma. I am a certified CI practitioner since 2023. 

As a Psychotherapeutic Coach I offer now

  • coaching,
  • workshops on self care and authenticity, 
  • workshops on compassion and gratitude.  
My first book became best seller in 2024 and is in process of translation into English.

My motto is: with compassionate inquiry and gratitude through all the challenges of life.

published book